All in Inspiration

Created for Pain: A Lie

I know I am not alone when I speak about hurt and pain. I know that everyone whom has lived on this earth for any length of time has had his/her fair share of suffering. There was a time in my life where the hurt seemed unbearable and permanent. I had been hurt to the core of my heart by someone I loved. Usually, those we love the most are the ones with the capability to hurt us the deepest. 

Usually, those that hurt us are dealing with their own hurt and pain. The hurt they cause isn't always intentional. It's a sign that their heart could be broken or unwell. 

All I knew to do was pray and read God's word. In the midst of my struggle, I was not immune to Satan's lies. I began to really process a lot of life's events and noticed a pattern of being hurt by those I loved the most. Loving people has always been easy for me, as well as loving deeply and with my whole heart.  

In a fleeting moment, Satan tried to tell me one of the biggest lies he has ever thrown at me, "You were created to be hurt."  What the what?

Beautiful Things Can Grow in the Dark

I have been a bit on the weepy side lately. Maybe it's because I am coming up on the one year anniversary of my Dad's death, maybe it's because my ten year old is getting closer to the teenager years with each passing day, or maybe it's because of all the new bouncing babies that are popping up continuously on my Facebook timeline. Yes, I am that girl that watches "A Baby Story," doesn't know the family but cries uncontrollably. Babies that are joining us on our earthly journey always get me right in the tear duct.