Craving to be Known

Craving to be Known

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" John 10:27

Sometimes I wonder if we have a need to be known, because we are made in the image of the Creator who wants to be known by us....And I think about all the people who are trying desperately to be KNOWN for something by someone.

They want their five minutes of fame, to be remembered for a great accomplishment, to be famous at all cost, to be recognized, and they will do anything to accomplish their " goals and dreams." Some do it for money, some for power, others out of painful insecurities and temporary applause.

Can I remind us all of something? We are all KNOWN. We are known by the king of Kings, the most high, the one who thought of us in His infinite wisdom, and brought us into existence because of His love.

The One who gracefully flung the stars in the night sky and mastered the roaring waves of the ocean KNOWS you. The One who tells the earth to spin and the sun to rise still calls YOU His greatest creation. The one who sent His son to die a gruesome death so you can have the hope of an everlasting life would do it all again if only for YOU!

Who else can compare to His magnificent ways? Who else matters? There is no question that He KNOWS you, friend. He knows you better than anyone else. The real question is, do you know Him? #knownbyGod #lovedbyGod #pursuedbyGod 

Father, thank you for creating us. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for knowing us. We praise you for who you and for molding us into the image of Jesus every day. You are awesome! You are marvelous! You are magnificent! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 

Exhaustion and Hurting Hearts

Exhaustion and Hurting Hearts

Out of the Mouth comes the Heart

Out of the Mouth comes the Heart