I Have Set My Heart On You

I Have Set My Heart On You

"But the boat was now in the midst of the sea, distressed by the waves; for the wind was contrary." Matthew 14:24

Yesterday during church, we were singing "Set My Heart" and one of the verses is:

You make a way when none is found
You tell the roaring ocean to bow
I believe you’re moving even now
Right here, right now

During the song, I received a fresh revelation of the story of Peter walking on the water toward Jesus. As long as he kept his eyes on Jesus, he stayed on top of the water. As soon as he started focusing on the waves and the storm, he began to sink. It's a story I have heard a thousand times, and I know what it means, but it meant something new and fresh to me yesterday.

When the storms of anxiety begin to swallow us up, we have to keep our eyes on Jesus. When the wind of the world beats against our chest, and we feel the water rising higher up our neck, we have to focus on Jesus. When someone is threatening us or our families, we have to focus on Jesus. When the bills are rolling in, we have to focus on Jesus. When our marriage is failing or our children are lost, we have to focus on Jesus. When people we love are suffering from sickness and disease, we have to focus on Jesus. When the enemy is trying to steal what God has for us, we MUST focus on Jesus!

Because we are human, the water may cover half our face. We may feel like we can't breath, but as long as our eyes on Jesus, His hand is reachable. His rescue is inevitable. The moment we lose sight of him, the moment we stop looking at him, is the moment we are consumed and taken completely under.

Whatever you're battling today, fixate your eyes on the Father. Read his word, write his word, pray, and worship your way through the storms. You may come out of the water a little battered and wet, but you will come out. You will not drown. He's reaching for you.

Father, forgive me for the times I have doubted you or not trusted that you were the one in control. My heart is set on you. You have every part of me.

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