Real vs Reel

If we're fake with people, we will be fake with God. If we are fake in our relationships with one other, we will be fake in our relationship with God.

I think the whole world is craving the real instead of the "reel."

Signs of fake-ness/unhealthy behavior:

Quick to pass judgement, slow to compliment.

Has a know it all attitude.

Say one thing to your face but something else behind your back.

Spread rumors and gossip.

Don't mind to lie to you if it saves face.

Can be a people pleaser.

Inconsistent and fickle.

Usually can't handle any form of criticism.

Slow to apologize.

Signs of realness/healthy behavior:

Slow to judge. Quick to compliment. Doesn't jump to conclusions even if they think they have all the facts.

Recognizes they don't have it all figured out.

Confronts someone when they feel wronged. Tries to work it out face to face.

Tries to see the best in people and sees the enemy for who he really is.

Tells the truth even when it's embarrassing or painful.

Concerned with pleasing God and not man.

Applies constructive criticism to their lives in order to be better.

Quick to apologize and admit when they are wrong.

Often times, when people live a "fake" life it has to do with growing up in a strict, and often times, "loveless" home. They feel like they can't be real or there will be negative repercussions.

If YOU'RE dealing with a DISINGENUOUS person, remember:

It's not about YOU, so don't allow yourself to make it about you.

Keep healthy boundaries. You don't have to let them in to love them well.

Don't play their games.

Don't allow their behavior to steal your JOY and PEACE.

Accept this fact: The person may NEVER recognize they are living a disingenuous life.

PRAY for them and their healing instead of getting angry at them.

The GOOD NEWS is, Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, is able to transform us all into something new and real if we ask Him to do so. We don't have to settle for less than His best.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

Romans 12:12

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Letting Jesus Change Me