Generational Hope

This morning's insight from my 16 year old:

"I think the reason a lot of young people are leaving the church is because what even is "The Church?" People who believe can't even agree on what is right, so I can't imagine being someone who is just starting out...where do you even start? And what if you are discipled by someone who is teaching you wrong? Sometimes, I think it is easier for people to walk away because it's overwhelming.

"I would love to see Paul write a letter to a church that split over the type of Greek tile they laid. Because that is what is happening today. People are splitting over dumb things like the color of the carpet. We squabble over the smallest matters. It's time we stop believing one denomination is superior to another and start uniting on truth if we want to reach the world."

I asked, "So, what's the solution?"

He answered, "We should be united in beliefs but divided in buildings. We shouldn't let our buildings define us more than we define the buildings."

I asked him, "How is Jesus going to return for "The Church" if there's not one?"

"I guess Jesus isn't coming tomorrow. We have a lot of work to do before that happens," he answered.

With that being said, not everyone in "this generation" is doomed. God will use those who allow Him to do so. I believe THIS generation has the potential to master this unity thing and help God's Kingdom come.

In the words of Isaiah, "It took multiple generations to get to where we are, so it may take a few to get us back to where we need to be. It can start with us!"

#unity #TheChurch #JesusChangesEverything #generations

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