
I was the result of a planned pregnancy. My Mom and Dad both wanted me. My Mom got pregnant with my brother fairly quickly after marrying my Dad, but I wouldn't come along until six years later. Mom has told me many times that she didn't know if she would carry a pregnancy after my brother. My parents yearned for my brother and for me.

I have never known what it felt like to be an unplanned pregnancy or what it may feel like to think my parents didn't want me. Or that I was what some called an interruption or accident. I can only imagine that kind of pain.

But all day today, I have had something on my mind that I need to share. It's a reminder to someone.

God created you for a purpose, and He has brought you to where you are for a specific reason. He wanted you from the day you were conceived. You are not a mistake. Or an accident. And if someone tells you that you were unplanned, just remember that God has a plan for your life.

God can redeem the mother and father of an unplanned pregnancy. God can use your existence, as their child, to teach your parents about redemption, forgiveness, grace and mercy. He wastes nothing. And He is able to turn everything for your good and His glory when you love Him and are called unto His purposes.

If you are believing the lie of the enemy that because you were unplanned or unwanted by your parents that you don't have a purpose, today may be the day for you to stop and find freedom in the truth. If you have forgotten your purpose or haven't discovered it, yet, remember, it is still there waiting to unfold as you wait, trust and obey.

Just because we have believed something for so long doesn't make it true. Just because we feel a certain way doesn't make it so. Set your mind on the truth. You are God's masterpiece--and while you may have been unexpected by your parents, you were not unplanned by God.

He loves you!

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Your eyes saw my unformed body." Psalm 139

Let God & Be The Good
