God Doesn't Owe Me

“Count it all a joy when you face trials of any kind. For you know the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” James: 1: 2-3

God doesn’t owe me anything. But He gave me everything when He sent Jesus to die for me. I’m not worthy of an easy life, of understanding it all, of living without suffering. But He calls me righteous through Jesus, and He draws me close during the hard times. He has proven His character to me so many times that I no longer question who He is even if I ask “Why, Lord?”

I love Him and trust Him with all I am. I could have never gotten to this surrendered place with Him if life was easy for me and if life always made sense. I don’t wish to trade the hard stuff—the hard stuff of my childhood, the hard stuff of my young adult years, and the hard stuff of my middle years. It’s where I have learned who my Father really is and how much He loves me. And it’s where I’ve learned that I’m an over comer through Christ. It’s where my faith is tested, and I have to decide if I truly believe what I say. And I believe He is good. Always.

Calendar Changes Don't Matter

Jen's Interview with Real Victory Radio