A Scent You Don't Forget

A Scent You Don't Forget

“For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life. And who is adequate for these things?” 2 Corinthians 2: 15-16

I noticed the silent distress in her dark brown eyes as soon as she walked into the room. She rushed by in a hurry to get to her destination, bright smile flashing. I followed her, gave her a minute, and as she spun around, I inquired, “Are you doing okay?”

She began to tell me about the busyness of life, all the things which were consuming her, and how all she wanted was more time with her Lord. She let me share in her struggles a few moments as tears began to fill her eyes. She explained to me, “I haven’t felt like a very good daughter lately.”

As the first tear left her face and worked its way down in a zig-zag pattern, I worked to reassure her of God’s love letting her know God can’t possibly love her any more or any less than He does in this very moment. “His love is not based on our works and what we do or don’t do, thankfully,” I said.

I was speaking from experience. I have been and can be the “works girl,” thinking the more I do in the name of Jesus, the more God will love me and accept me. Sometimes the enemy tries to tell me I will never be good enough. I often feel so unworthy.

By speaking truth to her, I felt my own chains loosening.

His unconditional love is unmatched and always available I have to remind myself. It’s something I have had to learn over time. And I am continuing to learn over and over again. Being able to tell someone this feels half hypocritical and half freeing. Little did she know, speaking to her was a reminder for me.

All the truths I spoke to her, she already knew. I wasn’t telling her anything new, but I saw, along with tears, hope slowly fill her beautiful eyes. There’s something about truth that always pierces the lies the enemy tries to get us to believe.

I hugged her close to me in an intimate moment of prayer. I felt the texture of her hair. It was different from mine. The skin of her soft cheek, although a darker color than my own, felt the same as my skin as they pressed against one another. Flesh is flesh. People are people.

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A simple prayer to ask God to help her caused her body to relax in my arms. It was nothing I did, but it was the comfort of our helper, the Holy Spirit.

I could smell an unfamiliar fragrance on her. I wasn’t sure if it was her hair products, skin products, or even a perfume. And it didn’t really matter its origins. I just knew it was unfamiliar. The fragrance ended up on me, as I inhaled it off and on for the rest of the day.

The next day, I could still smell her fragrance on me, even after showering. I can’t tell you exactly where it was on my person, but it filled my nostrils often. At first, I was like “I wonder what that is?” It took me a minute to remember it was the same fragrance I had smelled the day before. My thoughts pointed at her each time. It reminded me to pray for her. It reminded me of a God who doesn’t forget us and will help others to remember us, as well.

This fragrance reminded me that although this precious young lady and I may seem vastly different having different stories, different ethnicities, and having lived different lives, we shared tears and a holy moment as two daughters coming together at the throne of their King seeking love and assurance.

We aren’t that different, after all, are we?

This time with her, although fleeting, reminded me of how mindful God is of each of us. He gave me a scent so I could remember to intercede on her behalf. He gave me a story to tell her of how He has not forgotten her.

Her fragrance also reminded me of how much she loves her Father. Her love for Him overflows into every part of her life as she gives of herself to all of those around her. An inspirational soul wanting to reach the world for Jesus, because she has felt HIs love. She has smelled His sweet aroma.

His tremendous, limitless, breathtaking love has found her and lifted her up. Love having the ability to overpower darkness, sin, exhaustion, prejudice, depression, addiction, anxiety, and anything else which takes our eyes off of Him and His plan for us.

His love is like the same sweet aroma lingering in the air as we breathe day in and day out. It’s a scent we don’t forget. We breathe it deep into our hearts and our lungs. We relax a little in His arms. We are filled with hope. It’s odd how such a gentle air can cause a stirring and a burning in our bellies for more and more of Him.

So good.

He hasn’t forgotten her.

He hasn’t forgotten me.

And He hasn’t forgotten you.

“Father, we thank you for loving us just where we are. We thank you for sending people to love on us, as well. You never forget about us—even in our darkest moments, we have your light and your peace. Thank you.”

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