Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back

"But Lot's wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt." Genesis 19:26

Two handsome strangers walked into a city in which they had never visited. A gentleman met them in the town square and urged the men to come to his home. While the new strangers were inside the gentleman's home, they heard a ruckus outside. Upon looking outside the home the men inside discovered that the house was surrounded by other men--young and old alike--on all sides. The men outside called out to the homeowner, "Send out the men that are inside. We want to have sex with them." 

The city in which this story takes place is called Sodom. The men described above were angels disguised as men to scope out Sodom. It was desperately wretched, drowning in sin and darkness. Sexual violence, such as homosexual gang rape, was rampant. The town was "unconcerned, arrogant, and overfed." Lot, a descendant of Abraham,  found comfort there because he was a somebody who made important decisions. It was difficult for him to give up his title to follow the voice of the Lord despite the conditions of the city.  

Lot and his family found it hard to obey God when he asked them to leave their adopted home of Sodom, despite the immorality that was ever present in their midst. God had something better in store, but Lot and his family couldn't see it immediately, so they lingered in a place they did not belong. 

How many times do we find it hard to leave our adopted lifestyle of sin, whether it is sexual immorality, lying, gossiping, gluttony, cheating, drug addictions, lusting, pornography, envy, or stealing. Sometimes sin becomes a comfortable bed in which we lie. In a sense, sin is capable of "gang rape" when all the evil things of the world are allowed in to our life. But we become comfortable. We snuggle in deep into our pillow and pull the swallowing covers up to our necks. If not careful, we fall slave to sin and don't even realize that what we are doing is wrong, and that God has something better for us. We can allow sin to take over parts our of lives and hearts. 

Jesus came to rescue us from the darkness. His light is able to splice through like sunshine after the rain waiting to clean us up and make us shine again when we choose him and throw the covers of sin off. 

In Sodom and Gomorrah, God told Lot, "Flee for your lives! Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!" (Genesis 19:17). 

"But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt." Genesis 19:26

(Just a little funny)

I have seen a lot of quotes, via social media, about how the rear view mirror is smaller than the windshield for a reason. I find this quote to have a biblical basis. In Luke 17:30-33, Jesus talks about the coming of the kingdom of God, "Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. Remember Lot's wife." 


Moving forward without looking back is difficult. Yes, we should learn from our past mistakes, but there are things we shouldn't dwell on. Like Lot's wife, we become an unmovable pillar when we constantly look to our past and what we used to be. We are new creations in Christ! We must look forward and walk forward in order to move forward. What do you keep looking back to see? What are you still holding on to that God is asking you to let go? Who are you still angry with? Who have you decided not to forgive? What sin has you trapped and is raping you of your joy and peace? 

Through Christ, we have the power to control our flesh. We shouldn't allow our flesh to control us. Jesus died for us all so that we could be clean. If you have given your life to Christ, He lives in you and through you. You have the power and authority through Him to overcome any sin. ANY SIN! All you have to do is receive and exercise that power. Father, thank you for being who you are. Thank you for being a God that cares for His people. Thank you for having better for us than we can even imagine. Thank you for speaking to us so that we may obey you and go where you lead. Thank you for helping us to leave the past in the past. Thank you for helping us to move forward in our relationship with you and with others. We bless your name and praise you, our Holy King. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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